Monday, July 30, 2012

Tool #11Self Assessment and Reflection

I enjoyed 11 tools, my favorite was tool # 5,using the web 2.0 tools.  I have used quite a few before also, but I want to explore others tools and give my students choices on presenting their information/creation.

Having iPads in the classroom along with student netbooks would be different and nice.  I like the idea of having stations.

11 tools were very similar to what I have done few years ago using Library2play, so there were no surprises for me.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Tool #10 Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship is not easy to teach our students.  They have been using internet, since they were little kids, and think they know everything about technology and how to use it.  Three things I want to teach them are:

Being safe online. I am planing on using iSafe. Students use facebook, myspace, twitter, etc to post pics, comment on things, etc and they don't know how easy it to find information about them. I just want to teach them to be safe when commenting, or posting pictures.
Students also believe that everything they see on the internet is true, and I want teach them to validate the information and also how to effectively research on the internet.
I also want to teach them about being respectful, online bulling, and plagiarism.

We do monthly meeting in our school, maybe in one of our meeting we can explain to the parents about digital citizenship and how to help their child at home.

Tool # 9, classroom based devices

Kids at this day and age can not live with out technology.  Most of the kids learn better with technology and while playing games.

I am a science teacher but I liked the Mangahigh website.  It is for Math, but in my Physics class students who are struggling with the Math concepts can use this effectively to catch on the math skills.  I use PHET quite often in my class for virtual labs, as some labs are not possible in the classroom setting and this gives them ways to explore, change the parameters of the lab, etc.

There are lots of free science apps on iPad, popular science, science 360 are few that I will be using.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Tool # 8, using the devices

We check out netbooks to our students in our school, and students are able to use the Angel LMS.  Netbooks are nice, I created my lessons online on Angel, where students can access the lesson, assignments, extra resources, collaborate with others and also turn in their assignments.  Most of the kids benefited by having the computer with them, and having online lessons as they can go back and watch the video or go over the PowerPoint, etc.

This year, each teacher is also getting 8 iPads per class. I am not sure how I will be using that in the classroom, since all my students will have their own netbooks. I did take one iPad home to play around and I have downloaded some free apps that my students can also use to learn science vocabulary or even prepare for SAT. I am enjoying the iPad, has lots of fun apps and also it is easy to carry.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Tool # 7, Collaborating

My Students will collaborate with students in other science class, and discuss the alternate energy resources.

Using Google docs presentation, they will create a slideshow, where the my class is going to write about the advantages and disadvantages about their alternative energy source.  The other science class students will explain how the alternate energy source is used to generate electricity.  

Tools # 6

This is similar to Tool five.

I have been using Skype for a long time, and have joined the Skype in the classroom.  In this students create and add new projects and also shared the resources with other students.

The other tool that I was trying to use was Edmodo, but I am not able to load the assignment and send it to people.

Tool # 5

I love the tools, I have used Animoto, Bookr, and few others.  Here is my attempt with


Video Maker - Powered by GoAnimate.

and a link to the Prezi

Tool # 4

I created a spreadsheet on Science Supplies, and shared it with other science teachers, so they can have access the supplies ordered.  I am also planning on adding another sheet that will have the inventory of the supplies in stock, and also one sheet on supplies that needs to ordered.

I also made a form, and sent it to two teachers.  I added a background, but it does not show in the google docs .

Tool # 3

You tube is blocked for our students, so I use the school tube and kids tube.  We used the school tube last year to look at the videos on how to design a pop-pop steam boat.  My students using the videos on School tube created the boat successfully.  They also added they own inventions while creating the boat.  This will a great tool for them to create their own video and their experience to share with others some challenges and how they worked around it.

Here is the video on pop pop steam boat, there are several parts to it and it is made from a soda can.
We use Angel learning system in our school and use the drop box for students to submit the assignments.

Tool #2

I enjoyed visiting the blogs.  I liked the Science for All blog, it had some insights on Science Standards.  I am definitely going to visit that in future.  I have few friends who blog, and I visit their blog frequently, some have a blog on their life and others on the subject they are teaching.

Tool # 1

It was fun making the blog and embedding the Voki.  I am ready for new adventures in 11 tools.  It will be great way to start the school year with a blog, where students introduce themselves.